"Why don't you look out of the window?"- Who said these words to whom? Why? Describe the action of the listener. | "Do you see any animals?" -Who asked this and to whom?

"Why don't you look out of the window?"- Who said these words to whom? Why? Describe the action of the listener.

The girl said these words to the narrator. The girl said these words to the narrator because he asked her to tell him how the outer world looked from the window of the train compartment. When the girl asked the narrator to look outside the window himself, he moved along the berth and felt for the window ledge. Facing the open window, the narrator made a pretence of studying the landscape. He heard the panting of the engine and the rumble of the wheels. In his mind's eye, he saw telegraph posts flashing by.

"Do you see any animals?" -Who asked this and to whom? What was the reply? How could the person give the answer?

The girl who boarded the train at Rohana asked this question to the narrator of the short story The Eyes Have It'.

In reply to this question asked by the girl, the narrator said no because he was pretty sure that there were hardly any animals left in the forests near Dehra.

The narrator wanted to hide the fact that he was blind. So, when asked by the girl whether he could see any animals outside, the narrator pretended to be looking out of the window before answering the girl's question. The narrator was very familiar with the surrounding areas of Dehra, so he replied confidently that he could not see any animals outside.

"You have an interesting face"- Who said this? To whom was it spoken? When did the speaker make this remark? What was the reaction of the person spoken to?

"Few girls can resist flattery"- How did the narrator try to flatter the girl?

"I'm tired of people telling me I have a pretty face." Who said this, to whom and when? What did the person speak to reply?

"But the thought of laughter only made me feel troubled and lonely."- Why did the narrator feel so?

"The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream"- Who thought so? Whose voice is referred to here? Why was the voice so special?

"She would forget our brief encounter;"—Who said this and about whom? What is the brief encounter referred to here? Why did the speaker think so?

"She was standing very close to me"- Whom does 'she' refer to? When and why was she standing very close to the narrator? What was the effect of her proximity to the narrator?

"The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie"- Whose reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?

"She was an interesting girl."-Who said this to whom and when? What else did the person say? What reply did he get?

"She was completely blind. Didn't you notice?" Who said this to whom? When was this said? Explain the irony in the line.

She was completely blind. - Explain the irony in the given line.

Give a brief sketch of the conversation between the narrator and the girl.

What attempts did the narrator make to prevent the girl from discovering that he was blind? 

Is the narrator somewhat cautious about not revealing too much about himself? Support your point with instances from the text.

How could the narrator talk to the girl and answer her questions so confidently in spite of being blind?

Describe the girl as visualized by the narrator.

Describe the parting of the girl from the narrator on the train.

What was the chain of thoughts that ran through the narrator's mind when the train approached the station? How was it affected by the man's conversation?